"Uuuhhhhhm..." Echo took a sip of her hot chocolate, thinking. "Like, you know how reeincarnation works? Well, Glitchians have this thing were basically our souls are connected with a certain bird, and that bird will not be like a bird, but will look like a bird. And, like, uhm, one day we'll find this bird, and it'll follow us around and stuff sometimes, although they kinda know where we are all the time, and like, they're kind of like empty, living vessels, and when I die, my soul will reincarnate in the bird. They say that these birds can't die, which is pretty cool."
Echo seemed to have tried her best at explaining, but it's obvious that Echo didn't know how to speak words very well.
Time seemed to be a bit confused but mostly got the point.
"So if I shoot it? It won't die?" He asked, pointing towards the bird.
Last edited by Time (5/28/2020 3:00 pm)
Echo narrowed her eyes and answered, "No shooting her, but yes."
"Why can't I shoot it? Time squinted, "It's not gonna die."
"Because that's mean! And she can still feel pain! Don't be a jerk!" Echo frowned.
Time gave out a sigh, "Very well, fine."
The bird flew off suddenly, and Echo waved as it did.
Echo seemed to be happier after the bird's visit.
(Bwjfnkwkrk, my POVs are being trash right now lol)
((Dw, it's ok ok))
"Uh... how often do you see her?" He asked.
"Uuuhm... sometimes?"
Well that's vague.
"That's very vague." Time replies.
Echo shrugged and continued with, "Well, it's like, random and stuff."
"You might see her for every day in a week and then disappear for months, then?" He questioned.
"Well, not for months. I think the longest we've been apart has been... two weeks and maaaaybeeeee... three for four days? Yea, two weeks and a half, at most."
"Oh. Well then," He said, "Where do you think she was or what she was doing in those two weeks?"
"Hmm... I'd say she was probably exploring!" Echo nodded, taking a drink of her hot chocolate. "Exploring sounds fun."
"She was probably?" Time asked, "Exploring what?"
"The world, obviously! Like, probably exploring whatever is around and stuff.'
"Did she come with you to this place?" He asked.
"No," Echo shrugged. "I was visiting a friend recently, like, sometime back some months, dunno, and like, boom. We met."
"Wait? You only met her a few months ago?"
"Yea? Most Glitchians and their soul vessels don't meet until they're elderly, if they make it that far."
Echo took a long sip of her hot chocolate then asked, "What's the, uh, the problem?"
Last edited by EchoDraws (6/11/2020 12:38 am)
"Oh, there's no problem. No problem at all. I just assumed you met her way earlier." Time said, "But however, why don't most Glitchians make it to be elderly?"
Echo took a very long drink of her chocolate and looked away.
"Reasons. It's getting better, though!"
Echo looked back and smiled, slightly forcing it.
"Anyway! Uuuhhhhm... do you like animals?"
Time definitely noticed the forced smile, guess some problems are going on back wherever she came from.
"Uhh..." Time though for a moment, "I honestly don't care."
"Hmm... I like animals," Echo said. "They're really cool, and are like, pretty cute, I think. Sharks are cool."