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1/23/2022 5:09 am  #401

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous


"Oh..." Echo nervously pulled at her fingers. "...Uhm... I talk...uhm, I talk out of my mouth...?" Echo doesn't know if that's any better.

He/Him xe/xem

1/29/2022 1:11 am  #402

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Oh, okay!" they exclaim, now sounding more confident. Whether that is reasonable or not is to be seen. "So it's like one of those creaking things, right? You flap it, and some noise comes out, only it's not exactly creaking?"

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/29/2022 2:18 am  #403

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"...A what."

Echo, the poor girl, looked, and sounded, very confused.

He/Him xe/xem
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1/29/2022 3:39 am  #404

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"A creaking thing!" they repeat, apparently thinking she couldn't hear them. By the way, they're quite loud. Louder than Galaxian, at least. "It goes, creak, creak! And then it makes a different noise!"

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/29/2022 12:56 pm  #405

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Echo sort of jumped when Minty raised their voice.

"Oh, uhm, I don't know what that is... but maybe it's similar?"

He/Him xe/xem
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1/29/2022 8:08 pm  #406

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

They didn't raise their voice. They're just kinda loud.
"Yeah, that's what I think!" They pause a little. "Do I sound like creak, creak?"

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/31/2022 7:47 am  #407

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Well. Idk. Echo didn't flinch then. XD


"...Maybe? What do you mean?"

He/Him xe/xem
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1/31/2022 3:23 pm  #408

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"If I say creak, creak, do I sound like I'm creaking?"
I love how it's now Silence's turn to sit there. 

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/31/2022 8:29 pm  #409

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Uhm... I'm, uh, I'm sorry, but no. Maybe try a sound more like... uh..."

Echo makes a croaking noise, which is only a little better than Minty's attempt at creaking. She actually sounds like a real frog, which is pretty impressive! Her face is all red now from embarrassment.

"Something like that?"

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

2/01/2022 12:32 am  #410

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Hey, uh, Echo? Real Echo. You confused "croaking" with "creaking," kinda. You pointed out the actual noise correctly, but the entire time, Minty hasn't been talking about "croaking" so...xD. Don't worry about it; I'll wait for you to edit the post lol xD.
Unless it was intentional. In which case the intention flew right over this entity's head. R.I.P.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

2/01/2022 1:22 am  #411

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

It was intentional XD. Whoosh!

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

2/01/2022 1:40 am  #412

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

That earns a head tilt.
"Oh, that's a creak?"
Hitan's just kinda watching stuff by this point.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

2/01/2022 9:25 pm  #413

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"I think so?"

Silence is watching, rather bored of the conversation. Of course, she's bored and irritated of any conversation very quickly. She picks at the black nail polish on her nails.

Missy is sniffing at Minty, unsure of them, as if familiar but not fully knowing. She is sort of circling them, mhrring and making other small sounds of concern.

Last edited by EchoDraws (2/01/2022 9:26 pm)

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

2/02/2022 2:12 am  #414

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Creak," they repeat. "C-r...c...r..."
Hitan reaches over to help her pick off her nail polish. Obviously, the help is not actual help.
Minty smells like absolutely nothing. Even air smells like something; they don't. And in this case, the air around them doesn't seem to have a particular smell, either.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

2/02/2022 11:04 am  #415

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Echo watches/listens patiently.

Silence allows it (for now), figuring that she wouldn't be able to stop Hitan anyway. She looks over his hands and inspects them, wondering if he needs his nails filed down or not. Hygiene is pretty important to the lady, so she's also trying to make sure Hitan's hands are clean and if she should allow him to continue touching her hands/nails.

Missy sits down in front of Minty, staring at them hard. She seems to be getting ready for something.

Last edited by EchoDraws (2/02/2022 11:04 am)

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

2/02/2022 10:51 pm  #416

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

They seem to have stuttered to a stop. They instead stare back at Missy. Kinda. Well, they don't have eyes, so it's more like they tilt their head slightly in her direction. Hey, look, their names are similar.
Hitan has his nails cut to the quick. To be honest, they would look kinda painful, but they just look natural for him. And also, his hands smell like vanilla lotion. Anyways, somehow, even without nails, he's picking off her nail polish like ants eat away at a cake.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

2/03/2022 1:21 am  #417

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Missy meows the most mournful sounding wail, staring up at Minty. She wants to be picked up. Very dramatic cat.

Echo jumps a bit from Missy's screaming.

Hitan's nails look better than Silence thought they would, although she would perhaps scold him later on how short his nails are.
Silence wears a lot of shiny rings with elaborate designs, all of them, except one, being made of white gold and jewels. Expensive! Her hands are very bony, the blue veins sticking out in color compared to her skin. Her nails are a medium size, filed down to look more human instead of the natural sharpness of the claws Glitchians develop, and obviously her nails are painted black, although chipped and becoming more chipped as both Hitan and her picked the paint off.

Silence glances over at Missy, a brief expression of concern showing before she realized Missy was wanting attention from Minty.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

2/03/2022 3:08 am  #418

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Hi hi hi," they chirp, seemingly having not understood the cat's intentions.

"Next time you should paint them hot pink," he comments as he finishes with the current nail and immediately moves onto the next one.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

2/03/2022 3:46 am  #419

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Missy screeches again and tries rubbing against Minty's leg. She sounds sadder now.

Echo tilts her head, watching Missy and Minty.

Silence grimaces at Hitan. "That's too bright of a color," she says.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

2/03/2022 5:43 am  #420

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"I'm good, how are you?" they say with absolutely no emotion.
She kinda just passes through them. Hopefully she backs up quick, since it seems like going too close to where they are messes up one's vision instantaneously, whether for a humanoid or a cat.

"Exactly," he chirps. "You gotta look brighter. And pink would look good on you! You could match with Echo-san. And North-san too, if he wears pink."

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

2/03/2022 2:10 pm  #421

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Missy stumbles around a bit before sitting back down in front of Minty. She meows again.

"Oh, uhm, I think she wants you to hold her," Echo spoke up. "That's why she's, uhm, meowing and stuff."

"...Why in hell would I want to look brighter."

He/Him xe/xem
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2/05/2022 7:21 pm  #422

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Meow," Minty says back to Missy in what must be one of the worst imitations of meowing ever. They tilt their head a little towards Echo. "What's holding?"
"You don't wanna," he acknowledges cheerfully. "But you will."

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

2/05/2022 11:31 pm  #423

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"...Uhm..." Okay, that one would be a bit harder to explain. "Do you, uh, do you know what hugging is?"

Silence gives Hitan a weird look.

"...The (censor) are you trying to say?"

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

2/06/2022 2:23 am  #424

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Nope. What's hugging? Is it like wuggling?"
The heck is wuggling??

He grins and pulls out a bright pink highlighter. But it looks...a bit different than usual highlighters.
Oh no.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

2/06/2022 9:40 am  #425

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"... What's... wuggling?" Echo asks. Missy meows again.

Silence backs up from Hitan, already guessing what the "highlighter" does.

"Don't you (censor)ing dare," Silence growls. "Put that down."

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

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