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1/08/2022 11:31 pm  #326

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

He laughs, completely unbothered.

"No, no, that wouldn't do." They sound a little less enthusiastic. "Thank you though."

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/09/2022 1:15 am  #327

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Hmph, you're annoying."

"Oh, okay..."

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

1/09/2022 1:39 am  #328

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

He only responds with a smile. ":D"

They stay silent for a little while longer.
But then, he doesn't.
"So," Galaxian says, lifting his head slightly, "are we finally done with the chit-chat? On both ends?"
I feel like this might trigger PTSD or something.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/09/2022 1:54 am  #329

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous


Echo was a bit surprised at Galaxian's voice, but she didn't look over to him.

"Huh? Done? I don't, uhm, I don't think we are. I was just pausing, uhm, pausing to think of what to s-say next."

Echo quite liked Minty, she enjoyed the chat. She enjoyed someone talking to her, she enjoyed the company. She didn't want it to end.

Echo added quickly, "You could join us. M-Minty is really nice." To be honest, Echo thinks almost everyone is nice, even if they make her cry sometimes.

Echo looked over to Galaxian.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

1/09/2022 2:10 am  #330

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous


"Minty?" he repeats. He seems to ponder that for a moment, giving Echo time to notice how his physical appearance has changed. His hair, once just outright blue, has turned slightly purple in hue, and despite his eyes still being black, they aren't quite as empty as before, having more of a reddish hue behind them now. His overall size hasn't changed, though, or his attire.
When he does look back at her again, he seems a little amused. In his way, that is--or at least how he's been as of recent. Amused in a sort of reserved way, almost as if faux, its sincerity only marked by the edges of his mouth being united in their rise. 
"Minty," he repeats again without further commentary.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/09/2022 8:47 am  #331

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Ugh!" Silence had realized long ago she can't really win, but it was fun to argue anyway. "Doesn't your face hurt?"

Echo isn't alarmed like one would think she would be. To be honest, she thinks she's misremembering what he looks like, and she questions herself briefly before looking back to the floor, but Echo doesn't find the appearance change strange.

"...Yeah. Oh, Minty, I never, uhm, I never asked. How has your day been? Same to you, Galaxian. I don't think I asked you either."

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

1/09/2022 3:29 pm  #332

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Nope!" He doesn't even ponder it.
He grins. "Thank you for your concern!"
Honestly, even for this him, many things don't hurt.

For whatever reason, he wipes his own smirk off his face. Now he looks more perplexed.
"I don't think you get it," he says, almost thoughtfully.

(Forum!Echo: Was that building burning before? It probably was. I am just forgetting, that's all. *walks away from clearly burning building*)

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/09/2022 5:45 pm  #333

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"I'm not concerned."

"W-well, I mean, if you don't tell me how it was, I obviously wouldn't get it," Echo said, laughing lightly after. "Isn't that how it k-kinda, uhm, how it kinda works?"

(JWNFJWKKCKWKCKW XD is Galaxian a burning building now?)

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

1/09/2022 6:33 pm  #334

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"If you weren't, you wouldn't ask!" He practically sings, "Silence is concerned!"
This is one weird sleepover.


"Is it that way? Okay then," he says. Reaching a hand upwards, he wipes some of his hair out of his eyes. Only for it to fall right back down. He really should have known better.
"I'm fine," he says. "But, I'm also Minty. Uh, I think so, at least." He glances at Hitan and Silence, who are literally less than five yards away but apparently are choosing to ignore this entire thing. Mood, to be honest. "I think that I was also going to make this introduction with new listeners, but it looks like they're going to ignore me. So...uh, yep." 
It seems their speech pattern has changed a bit.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/09/2022 6:51 pm  #335

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"I am not! I was just curious, that's all!"

It indeed is.

Echo tilted her head, trying to process what Galaxian meant. They are the same?

"But..." Echo trailed off. "...I..." She moved her hands in a rolling type gesture, as if trying to reel in words and phrases. "... That's interesting?" She's having a hard time processing. "I-I, uhm, I mean, sorry, uhm...?"

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

1/09/2022 7:04 pm  #336

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Haha! But if I said you were curious, you'd deny that too!"

"Thanks!" He grins, but then he covers his mouth by cupping his hands.
"Wait, wait, he wouldn't do that," he mutters to himself, though it's barely audible. "Sorry," he then mutters to Echo, the words muffled by his hands. 
"This should be better," he says as he resumes Galaxian's absolute I-do-not-care-for-anything-in-existence poker face.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/09/2022 7:41 pm  #337

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Hmph! You can't possibly know for (censor)ing sure."

Echo sort of smiled, but it was one that was very confused, although she had processed some of what was happening.

"Uhm, uh, no, it's fine to smile if you want to," Echo said. "But, uhm, uh, Galaxian- or do I call you Minty? Uhm, uh, well, uh, do you, uh, n-not remember yourself? I-I mean, uhm, well-" She made a gesture towards him, trying to indicate to what he just said. "But, oh, that doesn't make sense, does it?"

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

1/09/2022 8:32 pm  #338

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

He smiles and gives a tilt of his head. "What if I do?"

"I'm 'Minty.' Not 'Galaxian.'" He's keeping the poker face up. It does not match well with his tone. "It's hard to explain like this, though, so give me a moment please."
The room suddenly seems unnecessarily bright, which hopefully interrupts Hitan's and Silence's bickering, fun as it was. The reason for this sudden luminosity can be pinpointed quickly enough--it seems like the shadows of everything in the room are disappearing, so only the lighted portions of them are showing at all. Meanwhile, some portions of the shadows elongate themselves and creep towards Galaxian, who is disappearing at a rapid rate. That is, it seems as if he is growing different-colored veins, which ultimately become black and meld with the approaching shadows.
The process only takes about 6 seconds. Then it stops, with the room now being without shadows and, unfortunately, that's also when Echo's vision returns to normal.
I am so sorry, Echo.

"So, how's this?" the only source of shadows in the room asks, still with Galaxian's voice. "I tried my best, and I know it probably doesn't look that good...but, well, I did try, so...I won't be too hard on myself, or something."
"He" still looks quite like Galaxian, except "he" has no face. Instead, he's a combination of all the dark colors in the room...not quite satisfying to the eye, to be perfectly honest, but it's still easier to focus on "him" than it is to focus on the rest of the room. Anyhow, "he" seems like a sort of silhouette of Galaxian, but the usual blue glow is gone, replaced by a more reddish purple; and he still wears the same armor, though it seems to have changed too. Unlike usual, he's also wearing a "helmet" (mask more like), though also not the same one as the one usually seen. The armor hasn't changed at all and still looks the same as normal.
Ah, this is...this is not satisfactory.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/09/2022 10:08 pm  #339

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Silence was about to say something but was interrupted by the room becoming lighter. It hurt her eyes in a way that made her cringe back and cover them, hissing from the burning. Silence yelled, "WHAT THE (CENSOR)?!" while rubbing her eyes, not caring that there were sleeping people upstairs. Huh, to be honest, how are North and Jay not awake?! Must be heavy sleepers.

For Echo, she didn't feel pain, her earlier statement about not feeling pain being truthful. She blinked a few times, her head uncomfortable and her eyes watering. It took a bit for her vision to not be blurry.

Echo stared at Minty, a feeling starting to rise within her. It wasn't a good feeling. It was like the sound made when freezing water hit boiling oil: unharmonious and made you jump back with your hands over your ears. Echo in fact did not actually move; she didn't make any expression. Her face didn't even twitch, it just blankly stared. It was off-putting for such an emotional person to be so... emotionless.

This felt familiar, very familiar, to Echo. It reminded her of-

"You look fine." Her voice seemed to try to forcefully make itself sound positive, but one could still hear the somewhat stale and cold undertone. Her eyes, the usual cold grey-blue irises, looked darker as if they too absorbed some of the shadows.

"You did your best. That's good." Echo gave a smile, but it wasn't like the ones she gave before. It was much more bittersweet, not shy, nor polite, nor was it like the enjoyable one in which she gave a small, tired yet pretty laugh to accompany it. This smile, as well, was faux like her tone.

"Hello, Minty."

(Hhhhhng, give me the plottttt, absolutely going feral over this. Although for a good portion I was freaking out because I thought it would be SOMEHOW 666 and hoo boy my 9th grade ghost would have freaked out in the back of my mind)

(Also yes, I absolutely believe you would have done that to me, I am highly superstitious even tho it's been, like, years)

Last edited by EchoDraws (1/09/2022 10:12 pm)

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

1/09/2022 11:48 pm  #340

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"He" trails off.
"Anyways, hi. And hi to you two, too. The one with the sharp voice and the one with persistence. Both of you."
It's honestly unknown which one is referring to Hitan, and which one is referring to Silence. But before one can ask about that, "he" continues on.
"You've basically been ignoring me for a long time, so I don't know if that means you didn't want to listen to me. But...well, there was something, I guess. I decided to come out because of that...that something."
The struggle is real.
"Anyways!" "he" exclaims, almost like a declaration. The one word is like "he" fired a shot into the air that will never land. "You don't have to listen to me if you don't want to, but I can repeat what I said to...her? I'm not the one you call 'Galaxian.' But you can call me 'Minty' if you want. Why? That's because...I don't know. Was that suggested?" Once again, "he" doesn't give enough time for Echo to answer. Not that she would, to be honest, at least not to the usual degree. "In any case, you don't need to tell me your names. I won't remember anyways."
Hitan doesn't say anything.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/10/2022 2:16 am  #341

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

(although it isn't really plot, it's more introduction if anything XD, I can't think of words)

Silence said, "You could of just (censor)ing yelled at us to pay attention instead of blinding the (censor) out of me!" She's more upset about her eyes than anything else. She's not even going to question Minty, at this point Silence has seen weirder and met weirder.

Echo stared at the ground, trying to think, and then trying to stop herself from thinking.

It isn't That, it isn't That, That won't happen again, it isn't That. Stop thinking about That, you're being rude, stop thinking, forget it, forget That.

Echo took a breath, blinking her eyes a few times. She put her hand to her head, her finger tips grazing her forehead. The pads of her fingers glowed, and Echo flinched. Her hand fell to the ground, her knuckles hitting the floor. Echo blinked, then shook her head.

Echo quickly looked over at Minty, smiling nicely again. It was a genuine smile she gave when someone had said something rather kind to her, and she stared at Minty as if she had known him longer than that one conversation. Her gentle eyes were back to a lighter blue. Actually, perhaps they were more of a sky blue than grey blue now. Whatever harshness that Echo held before now had vanished, and Echo believed she didn't hold any kind of coldness towards Minty, although just a moment ago it seemed like she was indifferent to him.

When Echo spoke, it was back to her usual soft, polite tone, although now a bit excited.

"It's n-nice, nice to see you i-in, uhm, in a physical form!" Echo said, rubbing the top of her hands.

What was she thinking about again? Echo felt like it was perhaps important. No, she would have remembered it if it was. Yeah, she would have remembered if it was important. She didn't need to remember it, then. She should just focus on what was happening now with her friend, Minty.

"Although, are you able to see us? You don't, uhm, don't have a face s-so- Oh, I'm so sorry, that s-sounds, uhm, sounds rude. I'm sorry-"

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

1/10/2022 2:36 am  #342

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"'Blinding'?" "he" tilts his head. "What does that mean? Eyes...are those spheres in the 'skull.' Right? I can't see if you have skulls, or spheres in your heads, or if you pretend to have heads. I can't remember what a skull looks like, either. But--I'm sorry for any, uhhhh, incompetence caused by me."
They mean "inconvenience."
"He" continues, "I can't really do much beyond this, so really all I can do is say sorry. I really do think it's probably unwanted to keep saying 'sorry' like this, but I also really am (there's a slight emphasis on this word) sorry for all of this...I think."

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/10/2022 3:02 am  #343

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Silence is cursing under her breath now, still rubbing her eyes.

Echo tried to reassure Minty with, "No, no, it's okay! You're doing fine."

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

1/10/2022 3:51 am  #344

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Hopefully she's also trying to mask Silence's language, since Minty is going to learn it.
"Thank you," "he" says in what appears to be a grateful manner. "But, uh, what did what she(?) [there's a subtle question mark] say mean? I didn't understand."

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/10/2022 4:13 am  #345

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Uh oh.

Echo fidgeted, thinking for a moment.

"She said, uhm, well, Silence s-said things that are not exactly nice. Like, you shouldn't say them to people-"

Silence interrupted with, "I'll say what I (censor)ing want!"

"-because it might hurt their feelings."

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

1/10/2022 4:25 am  #346

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"So why does she say them?" they ask, like they weren't the one to offend her in the first place.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/10/2022 4:30 am  #347

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Echo laughed, but it was most definitely awkward.

"Well, uhm, well she doesn't regard people positively."

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

1/10/2022 4:45 am  #348

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

They think about that for a while.
"Oh!" they say after a while. "So basically, she doesn't care what others feel."
Somehow they make it sound like she's a sociopath.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

1/10/2022 7:33 am  #349

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Oh, no, I'm sure she feels some care-"

"Stop talking about me like I'm not right here!"

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

1/11/2022 1:51 am  #350

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Ironically, Silence is ignored because they're busy asking Echo, "Is that so? Why?"
Why she's sure, that is. She's probably not all that sure, huh.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

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