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9/06/2021 12:32 am  #126

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous


That's really specific, Rai.

He/Him xe/xem

9/06/2021 12:54 am  #127

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Rai ends his speech with his usual smirk. Honestly, it feels more like the words spoke themselves.
Galaxian finally mutters, "...Sorry."
He's not really used to apologizing, unlike GGaD!Galaxian, who apologizes too much for the wrong reasons. 

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

9/07/2021 5:33 pm  #128

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Ah, uhm, it's okay! No need to apologize!" Echo said, frantically waving her hands a little.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/07/2021 7:04 pm  #129

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Okay," he says with a nod, and then he stops apologizing.
It's unknown what Rai is thinking, but at least we can be sure that he's not exactly holding Galaxian's social skills in the highest regard at the moment.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

9/08/2021 1:17 am  #130

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Echo sweat dropped, not sure what to do or how to feel anymore (mood).

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/15/2021 3:38 pm  #131

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Galaxian,,," Rai's actual tone makes it pretty clear that he's using the three commas. 
The forumer looks at him like Rai's the weirdo. 
"I'm not Hitan," the cyber agent states the obvious. "So..." He makes a vague gesture. "You gotta self-regulate."
Galaxian nods like he understands. He does not.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

9/15/2021 9:01 pm  #132

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Echo tilted her head.


He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/28/2021 1:48 am  #133

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Yep. He's not doing it, though."
Galaxian tilts his head to one side and then back, seemingly trying to get his gears working again or something. He opens his mouth and then closes it. Oof.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

9/30/2021 5:13 am  #134

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"What's he got to self-regulate on?" Echo asked before quickly apologizing for being nosy.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/30/2021 9:22 pm  #135

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"His manners," Rai explains while Galaxian nods along like a robot. The forumer is fixed with a look and a somewhat sinister smirk before the agent continues, "He's not exactly showcasing the best social etiquette at the moment."

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

10/01/2021 2:09 pm  #136

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"I'm not very good at social stuff either so it's okay!" Echo said.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

10/01/2021 3:16 pm  #137

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Alright, but you said it, not me," Rai goes with a humorous smirk and a fingergun. His voice is still monotone, though. 
"He's not coming up with an excuse for himself, so here's me doing the work: He might be slightly tired," he adds, though his tone is now befitting of the way one would verbally say "Press X to Doubt."

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

10/02/2021 2:18 am  #138

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Oh, uhm," Echo is having a hard time coming up with a response. "I hope he gets good sleep soon, then." She then looks at Galaxian and says, "I hope you get good sleep soon."

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

10/03/2021 4:23 pm  #139

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Thank you," Galaxian says in a way that somehow conveys that the thanks is sincere but not sentimental at all. "I don't sleep," he adds, thinking that it's obvious.
Rai looks perplexed in a way that conveys that he likely prefers the company of the tree over the forumer. At least the tree knows how to shield him properly. Now, it's like he needs to be the puppeteer of an oblivious puppet with no manipulable social ability strings in the first place. 

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

10/03/2021 4:44 pm  #140

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Oh, sorry..." Echo apologized, feeling stupid because she forgot about that.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

10/03/2021 7:35 pm  #141

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Do you?" he asks like the incredibly dense (in the head) entity he is. Technically, that's actually the brightest thing he's done in the entire thread.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

10/03/2021 8:52 pm  #142

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Yea," Echo said.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

10/03/2021 9:36 pm  #143

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"You're not doing it," he observes.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

10/04/2021 6:49 pm  #144

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Huh? Yes I am," Echo said, touching under her eye softly.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

10/04/2021 8:37 pm  #145

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"You're sleeping?" he asks. "It doesn't really seem like it."

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

10/04/2021 9:29 pm  #146

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"I am," Echo said, trying to defend herself. She looked away and over at some trees, then the ground.

"Ooh, rock-"

Echo picked (oh my gods I almost put licked) up the rock, examining it.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

10/05/2021 2:00 am  #147

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Galaxian looks at Rai. "I can't talk to her," he says, all serious. He adds, as explanation: "She's sleepwalking."
Rai just raises an eyebrow briefly. 

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

10/05/2021 6:42 am  #148

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Wha? No I'm not," Echo said, confused on how Galaxian would mistake her for sleepwalking.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

10/05/2021 10:46 am  #149

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"This is a very advanced form of sleepwalking if it is one," Rai points out.
The forumer nods in agreement.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

10/05/2021 12:24 pm  #150

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"I'm not sleep walking, though..."

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

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