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6/29/2021 6:23 pm  #101

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Yeah, 'cause she hasn't even looked at him, if the narrator recalls correctly.
"Good point," he admits(?). "As of the present, that would be at Rai's place. Which means," he continues, probably with confidence that isn't exactly getting into his voice, "you'll never find it. Oops."
That sounds like the most sarcastic "Oops" to ever exist, but he actually did mean it. He doesn't have a permanent base, and so most of the time he just calls a gang member's place his base. Seems he forgot what this week shifted to. 

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

6/30/2021 8:48 pm  #102

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Yep, she hasn't looked at him lmao. She is completely unaware he is visible.

"Ah, uhm... then how will I receive the books?"

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

7/01/2021 12:19 am  #103

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Also a good point." He stops in his tracks to think, though this isn't actually an ordinary action. The narrator swears, this persona has the worst sense of humor ever, only topped by the narrator themselves. "Maybe you'll run into someone who can directly bring you them."

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

7/01/2021 12:31 am  #104

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous


Echo isn't sure that would be possible because she only knew a few members of Galaxian's gang. The chances of her running into Hitan or Rai would be low considering this (assumingly) large world.

"I only, well uhm, I only know, uh, two people that, like... sorry..."

Echo now feels like she's making this way too difficult, perhaps being annoying.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

7/01/2021 1:00 am  #105

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

SAMBria was and is canonically a city, if the narrator recalls correctly. Not that big. But Galaxian's gang goes all over the world, which is presumably big, so she's not wrong necessarily...?
It's actually Galaxian making this difficult, by the way. He could totally just go back and ask them for the books or for one of them to go to Echo's place and drop it off. But for some reason, him conveniencing others just escapes his thought process, I suppose. Just like mine. What is making others' lives easier, hmmm?? (:
"That's a good number of people to know," he responds. "The probabilities of running into them aren't slim. So, you should be able to meet them within a month."
Yeah, that's a good time for him, I guess.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

7/01/2021 8:09 am  #106

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"A month? That's long..." Echo muttered, mostly to herself. "But, uhm, okie dokie then."

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

7/02/2021 1:33 am  #107

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Ignoring how that lowkey sounds passive-aggressive, or at least reads in such a way, Galaxian nods. "Have fun."

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

8/30/2021 3:57 am  #108

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Uhm... yeah..." Echo says, not sure if Galaxian was ending the conversation. This is very confusing for her.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/01/2021 9:53 pm  #109

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

He makes a little "mm" noise before he leaves. Or tries to leave. Too bad, Galaxian. 
At least his efforts are noticeable from his voice growing a little fainter. Also, he's always had that nasty habit of leaving when he thinks a conversation is over.
"Wait--why are you running?" someone references the meme from the shadows.
Sorry, I had to call reinforcements.
A young man with a haughty smirk peers across his right shoulder from his position against a tree.
Well, hey, Galaxian stopped leaving. Improvement.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

9/02/2021 12:11 am  #110

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous


Echo turned towards the voice.

"Uhm, hi?"

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/02/2021 2:50 am  #111

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

A wild Smirkster appears!
"Hello, Echo," he says as he steps to the side and out. Somehow, it sounds like he very much intended for the two words to rhyme, which is awfully dry for someone who fits in basically completely with the darkness. He turns around fully to somewhat face both Galaxian and Echo before he continues.
"I wasn't stalking," he adds as explanation. "As you two know, I only do that for verified ships. Verified by me, of course," he elaborates.

The forumer looks about as convinced as the narrator is--or at least he'd look that way if he were more visible, which he ain't. His face is as pale as the moon, but the rest of his features are dark as the night sky surrounding it, which is quite fitting. Even his armor blends into the blackness. 
"Raisan," he states plainly. He isn't as disappointed as he sounds.

"Formal salutations, Galaxian-chan," the other says in just as dead-inside of a voice despite still retaining his smirk. 

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

9/03/2021 6:36 am  #112

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Echo finally 'saw' Galaxian, or at least his visible face. She wasn't creeped out like one would think she would have been, perhaps because she herself could turn invisible.

"So you weren't stalking us?" Echo asked genuinely, mostly believing what Rai just said. It was a little sus, but sure. Why not. Life is already so dang weird.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/03/2021 4:05 pm  #113

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Yes, of course, no," Rai says, fully knowledgeable on how much more suspicious that makes him sound and therefore wording it specifically to be that way. Why is he like this??
"Uno reverse card," Galaxian mutters, unknowingly butchering the saying. 

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

9/04/2021 2:29 pm  #114

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Oh, uhm, okay then!" Echo nodded, believing Rai. For someone who at one point was trained to be able to tell when someone was lying or being sus, she sure can't tell when someone in fact is lying or being sus.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/04/2021 4:55 pm  #115

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

To her credit, Rai is constantly sus if you know him even a little, so technically he's acting completely normal because he's being suspicious.
"Yeah,'d be great if you answered the question, Galaxian-chan," he says with his smirk. "You know, the one asking why you were leaving."
Galaxian mutters something. 
"What was that? Sorry."
"...said, the conversation concluded," Galaxian says, a little louder.
"No, it didn't," Rai points out, and so Galaxian also mutters, repeating, "Oh, it didn't."
Turning to Echo, the cyber agent apologizes for Galaxian: "Sorry 'bout that."

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

9/04/2021 10:29 pm  #116

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Rai is a sussy baka.

Echo said, "Uhm, it's fine..." She honestly would have been upset if Galaxian left, so it really wasn't fine, but Echo wasn't going to voice that she would have been saddened.

"I mean... Y-yea, it would have been fine, so yeah."

Echo did a vague gesture as one does when they are socially inept.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/04/2021 11:26 pm  #117

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

(Lol thought the question on the other thread was here, and then realized 0.5 seconds later, but just to answer the question I have no idea, you're the one leading the reins here so lol. If it looks like we're struggling just put a thread hint or...whatever. Lol. Rn I'm trying to make Rai take the reins instead as you can probably tell)

"Good to hear," Rai says, though it's pretty obvious that he's observant enough to know that it in fact would not have been fine and that Galaxian would've unintentionally angsted one of his friends. Again. In fact, it's the same friend. Oh, what a coincidence.
"What're you two doing this far out, anyways? Stargazing?" he asks.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

9/04/2021 11:48 pm  #118

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

(My question was meant for the other thread hwhdjwjfj not this one lmao)

Echo nodded, "Yeah! I heard there was going to be a... a, uhm... a meteor shower-" She had forgotten the name for the occurrence. "-so I decided to come out here."

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/04/2021 11:58 pm  #119

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Oh, so, he might've just messed that up," he says, gesturing slightly to Galaxian. 

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

9/05/2021 1:54 am  #120

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Oh, uhm, no, it's not his fault, uh-" Echo tried to defend Galaxian.

"Really, I was being nosy, kinda, and ended up here instead of where I, uhm where I originally was."

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/05/2021 2:12 am  #121

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

Rai looks at Galaxian. "Are you going to tell her that it was your fault?"
The forumer nods but doesn't actually say anything. He just looks at Echo seriously, maybe expecting to be pardoned or something.

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

9/05/2021 10:01 am  #122

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"No, really, it wasn't his fault," Echo continued, refusing to acknowledge the fact that maybe it was Galaxian's fault.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/05/2021 2:01 pm  #123

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"it really was tho," Rai says. "Or else a meteor would've gone by overhead 1.4 minutes ago. It hasn't, which goes to show that--" He gestures to Galaxian again. "His entrance screwed with the astrology, I guess."

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

9/05/2021 8:55 pm  #124

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Astrology?" Echo tilted her head, thinking about star signs and whatnot now. "You mean astronomy? A-anyways, I mean... I, uhm, I..." Echo was having a hard time coming up with more words to defend Galaxian.

He/Him xe/xem
     Thread Starter

9/05/2021 9:03 pm  #125

Re: (Another Private RP @GalaxE) I'm literally shaking, I'm nervous

"Nope. He messed with the studying, because now there's probably someone raging out there, wondering why there is no meteor shower when his prediction was supposed to be--" He starts miming a tone. "--one hundred percent accurate! There will be no errors! There can be no errors!"

Galaxian Explosion
Protecc: 黑小虎, Gold Saints, Run, Hajime Saitou, Heaven Chancellor, Karna, 离, Hiiragi Shinya, Violet Evergarden, 涂山容容
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Birds aren't real.

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