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9/01/2020 1:17 pm  #1

The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

Hfgffgdyfgg hiiii you're gonna be very confused because im too lazy to do oc intros..idk should this be in general discussions section? Let's discuss...

"Gender is confusing" - me...and like a million other people I think

9/01/2020 1:31 pm  #2

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

Kidnapper, on a call: Hey, we have your boyfriend,  give us money or else
Roman: ..I think you have the wrong number, I don't have a boyfriend..
Kidnapper: Then who's this dude who keeps yelling about how he's gonna take you out?
Roman: OHHHH, Flame? He means taking me out as in he's gonna knock me out..
Kidnapper: you do know him?
Roman: yeah..also btw you don't have him, he has you
Kidnapper: what do you-
*your call has ended*
Roman: welp that just happened..
Roman: Hey Ro wanna go get some ramen?

"Gender is confusing" - me...and like a million other people I think
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9/01/2020 2:25 pm  #3

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

*stalks thread*


9/02/2020 2:08 am  #4

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

Rowen: hey what's wrong?
Evangeline: oh it's nothing
Evangeline: I just have this headache that comes and goes
Evangeline: it's quite annoy-

Iris: *walks by*
Evangeline: -and there it goes again

"Gender is confusing" - me...and like a million other people I think
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9/07/2020 10:18 am  #5

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

Marine: I almost got suprise adopted today!
Evangeline: wh-
Evangeline: Silvia, translate 
Silvia: She meant she almost got kidnapped 
Evangeline: Oh
Evangeline: WAIT WAT-


"Gender is confusing" - me...and like a million other people I think
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9/07/2020 10:42 am  #6

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)


Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>

9/07/2020 10:54 am  #7

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

Flame: Don't you ever just get tired of people telling you "oh you've lost a lot of blood, you should go get help" like Excuse me? It's my stab wound, stay tf out of it
Flame: like I've said, my stab wound, stay out of it
Rowen: Wh- but you're-
Aaron: For goodness sakes, he's a vampire a stab wound ain't gonna do anything to him!
Rowen: ...HE'S A WHAT?!?!?

Last edited by Silverphoenix580 (9/07/2020 10:56 am)

"Gender is confusing" - me...and like a million other people I think
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9/07/2020 1:51 pm  #8

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

Roman & Flame: *arrives*
Tara: You guys are late, care to explain?
Iris: Yeah did you guys f-
Evangeline: stfu Iris
Roman: we got into a car crash
Rowen: wait WHAT?
Marine: ooooh what happened? TELL TELL
Roman: well there was a deer in the road
Roman: so I yelled “DEER” since the little prick was driving today
Roman: and would you mind telling them what you said after that?

Flame: ..
Flame: I said “yes honey?”


"Gender is confusing" - me...and like a million other people I think
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9/07/2020 2:13 pm  #9

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

There are two types of couples...

the soft babies:
Marcus: I wuv youuuuuuu
Aaron: wuv you toooooooo

and the homicidal ones:
Marine: Bro I’d nuke a country for you🥺
Silvia: Brooo I’d destroy the world for you 🥺🥺
Marine: Brooo 🥺🥺
Silvia: Broooo 😔💗
Rowen: I’m scared, should I be scared?
Evangeline: Nah, this is normal...

Last edited by Silverphoenix580 (9/07/2020 2:13 pm)

"Gender is confusing" - me...and like a million other people I think
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1/28/2021 7:39 pm  #10

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

Marine: If I had a nickel for every time I accidentally destroyed an alternate universe, I would have two nickels which isn't a lot but still weird that it happened twice
Silvia: Ah make that four because I would give you mine
Marine: Now now, relax Mark that was just two times, plus it was an accident..
Silvia: Mhmhm, the two accidents, there are still maybe uhhh 4 or 3 times it was on purpose-
Marcus: My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

(Also I think Imma change some of my ocs colors...look I did a lot of renovation on ma babies and some of them had a bit of a personality change so...)

"Gender is confusing" - me...and like a million other people I think
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2/02/2021 3:00 pm  #11

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

sjgshfgshf not an inccorect quote but I wanna rant bout my ocs for a here we go

So all of my many fictional universes/worlds/whatever you wanna call it is based around the idea that the universe is made up of infinite alternate realities. Each world of mine is in the same universe just on an alternate reality if that makes sense. Starting from the bases of everything, I have a trio that I call the triquetra. They are the three things that is the basis of the universe; time, space, and fate/destiny.
Marine is the embodiment of space, the ever changing, ever flowing, ungraspable space. She picked the name Marine because she thought the mortal concept of water to be quite interesting, water can be calm and collected or it can be a violent storm that wipes away all traces of existence. Water is something so predictably unpredictable and that's the kind of character she is. Going with the flow and whatever her heart desires, be it good or bad, helpful or harmful, she does whatever she pleases whenever she pleases. To her the world is but a playground, after all she is immortal so if she's going to live forever why not have some fun.
Silvia is time, stubbornly moving forward with no sign of stopping, persistent through everything and always reliable. Some may say time is a cruel thing but I believe time just knows how to mind its own business, and if you make friends with time, you would understand that it's quite comforting. The ticking of a clock, the slow rise and fall of the sun and moon, the death and life of everything around us. Time, a silent promise that everything will be ok eventually, that the world will still persistently move forward. It gives us a hope for the future, promising that there will be a future. Silvia's unmoving persistence in everything perfectly balances out Mare's ever changing inconsistence and maybe that's why they work so well together, opposites attract after all.
Marcus, fate/destiny, the weakest of the triquetra. See, a deity's existence is rooted in their believers, if one looses the faith of their people then one is forever lost. For that reason, out of the triquetra, Mark has the least believers and is the weakest of the three yet also the most powerful. Weak because he's in constant danger of being forgotten but powerful in the sense that well he can tip the balance of the universe whenever he pleases, he is capable of doing pretty much anything. Changing the destiny of others with the snap of his fingers, or even the fate of entire universes with just a clap of his hands, yet he refuses to ever change the fate that he is govern of. Instead he protects it and regulates said fate, whenever a mortal is foolish enough to tamper with destiny, Mark is always there to stop them. He sees himself as the guardian of the universe's balance, believing the balance must be kept. Every act of evil must be countered with good, and every act of good with evil. After all, to truly perceive the beauty around us, we must have both light and dark. If we live in light all the time, we'll take the sun for granted but if we live in darkness only we'll lose sight of everything we have to live for. This is why he's determined to protect the balance at all costs, afraid a single change of what's set in stone would cause a butterfly effect. This caused him to be timid and scared when it comes to any form of change but he is quite assertive when he's 100% sure he knows what he is doing.

Both Silvia and Marcus are mortal names that Mare gave to the two because she was bored one day and decided to drag everyone down and live with mortals for a few days just to see what it was like. The two had no objections against the names and now it's just sorta stuck...

hehe I know that was quite lengthy so if you read up till now, thank you! I've wanted to share these three for a while but I wasn't quite sure of their final design but now I think these are their actual final, final, designs...I should draw them more, they are the og of my ocs after all...

"Gender is confusing" - me...and like a million other people I think
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2/02/2021 3:09 pm  #12

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

also yea I dont plan on throwing the canon canon god versions of mare, silvy, and mark into any rps bc ik ik they very op, but I made them for me and my own world and my own plots so yeah

I might use alternate versions of them in rps..maybe...

"Gender is confusing" - me...and like a million other people I think
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2/09/2021 10:29 pm  #13

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

back to incorrect quotes that I'm too lazy to color code bc summing up my ocs in one color is hard

Roman: remind me again, why I saved you?
Roman: Shouldn't it be like..I donno "I saved your life, you're now in debt to me"?
Flame: Nope! It's actually quite the opposite
Flame: "You saved my life, now I'm your burden" There's a reason I'm meant to be dead by now and you're going to find out bc you did this to yourself!
Roman: fml

"Gender is confusing" - me...and like a million other people I think
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2/14/2021 3:56 pm  #14

Re: The oc closet (incorrect quotes from my ocs..)

Marine: If I die, y'all better play Astronomia at my funeral or I will haunt every last one of you till your dying breath
Eve: ...if?
Marine: If.

"Gender is confusing" - me...and like a million other people I think
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