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12/21/2020 5:17 pm  #1

Not sure how any of you even knew what this was, but...

...What do you guys think about me posting Pocketwatch chapters here? For those of you who don't know, Pocketwatch was a forumfic that I started about two years ago on the WoFMB and stopped writing after hitting writer's block and the shutdown of the forums.

I know at least a few people here knew about it, and I thought it would be fun to post it again since I'm planning to rewrite it and make it better!


Konnichiwa! Boku no namae wa Kago no Neko desu! Ogenki deska?

She/Her/Basket Cat

No, I can't speak Japanese. I just like to pretend I can.

Take a guess at what my favorite anime is

My favorite song is ub82Xb1C8os and no it isn't The Rickroll

12/21/2020 8:02 pm  #2

Re: Not sure how any of you even knew what this was, but...

i think I remember it a bit, why not?

Originally from WoFMB

12/21/2020 8:47 pm  #3

Re: Not sure how any of you even knew what this was, but...

Sounds like it’d be cool!


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