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9/26/2020 3:57 pm  #2351

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I forgot that staring at screens with high brightness for a long time makes me dizzy and sick.
At least I have the foundation for the house laid down now. Let's see how long I last and how much I can get done in this world before I actually feelΒ tooΒ sick.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>

9/26/2020 3:58 pm  #2352

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

DARNIT how could I overlook the idea of windows in my plan??? This makes no sense xDDD I'll have to keep this in mind for next time I roleplay that location Ig.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/26/2020 3:58 pm  #2353

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Please do help my eyes tho

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/26/2020 4:05 pm  #2354

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Next time I might as well play with sunglasses or something idk

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/26/2020 4:41 pm  #2355

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Alright I can't take the screen any longer xD
No really who would've thought that forcing your eyes makes you want to fall asleep on the keyboard?

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/26/2020 4:42 pm  #2356

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

So if I don't fall asleep I'll try to draw.
I'm waiting for my dad tbh he said we'd go out to buy some stuff but he's still busy

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/26/2020 4:45 pm  #2357

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I somehow found one more chapter of the webtoon
That site I read it from xDDD it has the most hilarious translator notes XDDD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/26/2020 4:47 pm  #2358

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I dunno I think the translator notes were even more interesting than the story itself in that part
The webtoon started off great but after the Witches' arc it started to feel as if it was dragging on. Wait no, it was at the timeskip. I think that the writer could've led it to a nice conclusion there somehow.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/26/2020 4:50 pm  #2359

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

The thing with it is that it had so many one-eyed panels (I mean that the characters had one of their eyes obscured for some reason) that I'm now picking up that habit in my sketches asdfkdjdkjds

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/26/2020 4:57 pm  #2360

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I think it's a bit funny that my pfp matches my location in my profile here now x)

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/27/2020 12:41 am  #2361

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Using the formula shared in Riri's homethread, I am almost thirty cheetos tall.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/27/2020 12:41 am  #2362

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I hecking listened to the "Rasputin" song once today (in a remix, out of curiosity since it came on my autoplay) for the first time AND IT HAS BEEN LOOPING IN MY MIND SOMEONE HELP

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/27/2020 1:34 am  #2363

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Was it not enough that I almodt died today while looking at old sketches that I suddenly cringed so much at the idea of someone and I decided to delete pictures too

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/27/2020 1:48 am  #2364

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I think I wanted to do a bunch of posts about today's trip to the mall but I have no energy left to do it lol
It was very enjoyable though.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/27/2020 2:08 am  #2365

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

The "AWANTAAAAAA" meme always makes me LAUGH SO HARD
It's an Spanish-exclusive meme but it's so weird that if you see it by surprise it's easy to laugh imo

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/27/2020 2:09 am  #2366

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

If you look at the picture closer it becomes slightly disturbing because wth
Let me see if I can find a way to post one

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/27/2020 2:13 am  #2367

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I'm going to cringe to death later for posting this xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/27/2020 2:17 am  #2368

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I can't sleep btw so ye

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/27/2020 4:21 am  #2369

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Someone hand me a bit of water PLEASE

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/27/2020 4:57 pm  #2370

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Mashed potatoes taste better with a bit of ginger in them I promise.
I love ginger and it gives food an awesome flavor yum.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/27/2020 5:20 pm  #2371

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Making yourself sad by updating wikia pages.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/28/2020 11:00 am  #2372

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

*cries in has many ideas developed in head but doesn't know how to use them*

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/28/2020 11:01 am  #2373

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

One day I'm going to use my "gang thing" in forum roleplays but I have no idea of how to introduce it/them
It exists tho

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/28/2020 11:06 am  #2374

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I just realized the mouse pointer has a shadow.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/28/2020 11:14 am  #2375

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Idk I've been typing in Spanish lately (something I do RARELY) and I feel my fingers' muscle memory betraying me.
"tΓ­o of the bingo" wth

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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