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9/23/2020 3:23 pm  #2276

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>

9/23/2020 3:24 pm  #2277

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/23/2020 3:24 pm  #2278

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/23/2020 3:26 pm  #2279

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/23/2020 10:09 pm  #2280

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

SpecterTheGreat wrote:


Originally from WoFMB

9/23/2020 10:26 pm  #2281

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

This shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did

He/Him xe/xem

9/24/2020 4:55 pm  #2282

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

I'm not sure but it really cracked me up

Same tbh xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 4:56 pm  #2283

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Compositions are going to be the deeeath of me.
The ones I have due are not even hard,,, In fact, they're so simple that I do not have any motivation to start typing them.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 4:57 pm  #2284

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

I've been working on stuff all morning so I tried to keep off here but now I cam suffering because of that decision :')
See, I logged in, and my motivation to do stuff returned. Yay.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 4:58 pm  #2285

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Yesterday night I was like really inspired to write some stuff and update some pages but I got sent to bed very early and I kinda fell asleep too quickly xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 6:31 pm  #2286

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Okay so right now my mom asked me to transcribe (is that the correct word? Idk) an old handwritten letter into a Word document and I feel proud of myself because 1. This letter is a very beautifully written one and I agree that it should be preserved and 2. She acknowledged that my typing speed makes me suited for this task B)
It's so long and the letter size so small though o.o I wonder how long it took my aunt to write it. Its quality is awesome too and you can like, idk, feel the love from the writing.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 6:45 pm  #2287

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Alright, enough time wasted. I do not want to disappoint. See y'all later I hope and apologies for today's inactivity.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 7:35 pm  #2288

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

All finished!
Honestly this makes me feel nostalgic. Not that anyone cares xD about this really but? I wish I had made more memories with my aunt. She was one of the nicest people in my family I have met.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 7:44 pm  #2289

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Aside from that, I didn't really get much done today

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 7:58 pm  #2290

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

I made fried rice (or a slight variation of it Ig) today for lunch and it was awesome!!!
I almost forgot to add that special cinnamon (Chinese cinnamon?? Idk how you call it in English) and sugar to the egg tortilla but it all came out good!
Also we didn't have chicken so I used a kind of (almost artificial OOF) ground beef thing.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 7:59 pm  #2291

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Ginger and pepper and soy sauce are the best seasonings 10/10 fite me
better than salt even
fite me

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 7:59 pm  #2292

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

I'm not tired but I've been very lazy today
Like, idk why. WHY.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 8:35 pm  #2293

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Rice is the best

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 8:37 pm  #2294

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Do you ever send a video to someone else and you're waiting for them to reply but they react too quickly and you know the video is a lot longer than that :thonk:

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 9:20 pm  #2295

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭


Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 9:21 pm  #2296

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

By the time I finish this I hope to be able to draw realistically!!! It'll be fun to learn about theory and actually apply it. 
Also, once I finish the course, I have to upload my final project and I'll get an official certificate! :3

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 9:30 pm  #2297

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Anyways I'm downloading resource images rn.
Idk if this will have exercises but if it does maybe I can post that on my art talk thread.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 9:44 pm  #2298

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Yesterday and today my mood has been *bucket of sunshine* :D

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/24/2020 9:47 pm  #2299

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

@Russet hey ty! :D

Anyways now I'm going off to explore the learning interface and continue downloading resources.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/25/2020 1:17 am  #2300

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard 👻 Specter's Homethread 🍭

Having inspiration at 11:45 P.M. but your computer shuts down at midnight

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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