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9/19/2020 12:18 pm  #2151

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

I got 9th place out of nine the first time :')Ā  xDDD not because of wrong answers but mostly because I wasn't sure of how to flip between tabs to see the option
The second time though! I won first place with 10/10 :D

I haven't played Kahoot in so looooong

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>

9/19/2020 12:34 pm  #2152

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

We played one last round :DĀ 
I won again, but by like 20 points it was a very close round! Surprising, because the questions were a bit more complex than in the previous rounds. But fun!
It was kinda funny because the teacher wanted us to put our real names (sad that all the cool nicknames got deleted unu) so we put emojis into our names xDDD. I obviously put a ghost before mine lol.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 1:36 pm  #2153

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Took alignment test again for fun and got True Neutral?

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 4:15 pm  #2154

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

When you get second 0:35 of "Megalovania" right on piano when you're playing it for the first time B)

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:25 pm  #2155

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Why is most of this OnS content Mika x Yu

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:26 pm  #2156

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Not really super related to the anime itself but is this not true

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:27 pm  #2157

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

this tho xDDD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:29 pm  #2158

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

I'm laughing at this mostly because of the last picture lol
Like, when did that happen xDDD perfect screenshot

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:29 pm  #2159

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:30 pm  #2160

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:31 pm  #2161

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:31 pm  #2162

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

I want to find a meme about the "king of salt" thing please let it exist

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:32 pm  #2163

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:32 pm  #2164

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:35 pm  #2165

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:36 pm  #2166

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:37 pm  #2167

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:38 pm  #2168

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Yu-Tube XDDD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:39 pm  #2169

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

I have nothing against gay ships but the ships for this fandom are weird

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:40 pm  #2170

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:41 pm  #2171

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:42 pm  #2172

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Not gonna lie it was first thing in my mind too

Last edited by SpecterTheGreat (9/19/2020 5:44 pm)

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:43 pm  #2173

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:44 pm  #2174

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:46 pm  #2175

Re: šŸ­ The Candy Graveyard šŸ‘» Specter's Homethread šŸ­

hello Galaxian and Echo

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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