Pretty much one person posts an inside joke. The next person tries to guess its meaning, alongside posting their own inside joke. The next person guesses/posts and the chain continues. Try to answer the origin of the inside joke once it is guessed.
I'll start. Choose which one you want to guess.
-Genghis Khan.
-Dead goldfish.
-Stale baguette.
Hmmm I'm guessing the first one was something that uhhh happened in history class. Maybe a person you thought looked like Genghis Khan. I'm bad at guessing xD
Last edited by SpecterTheGreat (8/22/2020 9:34 pm)
Partially-correct! It was caused by a history class, but I once had a major crisis over humanity and vented about the arbitrary state of morality... all centered on Genghis Khan.
Now whenever I want to short-state "humans are confusing" I'll answer "Genghis Khan."
Last edited by EldritchAbyssDragon (8/23/2020 1:50 pm)