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8/05/2020 9:05 pm  #176

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

How about like Chan is riding on Corvus's horns and Corvus is trying to keep balance

Originally from WoFMB

8/06/2020 12:15 am  #177

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

XD that's a good idea too!
I did a random sketch of Chan (from memory oops) and I might post it once I have time to upload it.
Anyways  the group drawing is on hold until I decide exactly what I want.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/06/2020 12:17 am  #178

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I haven't been able to draw much and not very well either. I think that maybe my art skills sway along with my moods? I hope not idbfjjejdks because that would be unstable.
Anyways, what I mean is that for some reason I just,,, can't do proportions well these last days. Maybe practice is needed. Maybe there's an art block I have not noticed yet.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/06/2020 12:20 am  #179

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

In any case, I've been using my weakened abilities to test out some stuff. I'm still playing around with the palette of skin tones I can combine with the pencils. Warm tones, especially.
Like, using vermillion or a reddish orange to do skin effects. I'm not very sure of how good it looks yet but I love how it blends. And it looks VERY vibrant. Maybe too much xD
I've yet to experiment with cooler skin tones. I did a grayish skin tone which turned out okay but I haven't tried any other cold undertones for shadow yet.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/06/2020 12:23 am  #180

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I'm also trying out thinner lineart to see how it looks. A .05 micron does the job pretty well! Normally, I'd use it to do fine details, but it also looks nice as a main thickness (or thinness Ig).
Most of the time I lineart with .1, do details with .05, do clothing divides/hair volume with .3, and line the outer borders of characters with .5. I also have a .8 Micron but I have only used it for doing the boxes for my comic xD.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/06/2020 12:37 am  #181

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Oh I was testing colors a while ago

For linearts tbh I don't really have a set pen size to do what bc art and stuff always varies in sizes but maybe I should so a little chart to see and generalize things

Originally from WoFMB

8/06/2020 1:46 pm  #182

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Drawing eyes with black sclera is tough for me kgjfnkaj.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/06/2020 2:48 pm  #183

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I actually haven't really used markers for blackΒ sclera, but I'm sure It's gonna be hard for me as well

Originally from WoFMB

8/06/2020 3:28 pm  #184

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Oof yeah it must be tough to use markers for that @_@
Luckily, I'm coloring with pencils rn B).

I want to test different shades of blond hair too.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/06/2020 4:45 pm  #185

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

oh rip

I mainly use markers whenever I colorΒ with traditional

Originally from WoFMB

8/06/2020 5:18 pm  #186

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I'm goign to continue testing my pencils.
If the arts turn out decent then I might pots them here to see how they look on camera.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/06/2020 6:01 pm  #187

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Oh that's smart too see what it seems on camera as well

Originally from WoFMB

8/06/2020 6:06 pm  #188

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I have this one in which I was testing strong blonde colors and vibrant skin shading. Also that thin lineart.
The art itself has lots of errors so that's why I'm putting it as a sketch.

The background isn't a fade-out really haha it's actually a gradient of three different pencils in shades of blue.

Last edited by SpecterTheGreat (8/06/2020 6:10 pm)

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/06/2020 6:07 pm  #189

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

And then this other one which I did from memory so Idk

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/06/2020 6:16 pm  #190

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Mostly was just practicing to see if I could do RA!Chan's face correctly.
Also that's the third drawing in my sketchbook B).

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/06/2020 8:44 pm  #191

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Two things about UR!Specter's design:
- Their skin is a bit darker than other versions
- Different eye πŸ‘

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/06/2020 8:47 pm  #192

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I want to post a sketch later today hopefully.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/07/2020 12:15 am  #193

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Diffrent eye? Does she have two?

Also I think the Chan is pretty good but I don't own ra chan lol

Originally from WoFMB

8/07/2020 9:12 am  #194

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

^^ what Time said; your drawing of RA!Chan is adorable!!Β 

Autumn (Librarian)
she / her | kinda a nerd
hello :D hope you're having a good day

"The true sky, and songs that cageless soar
Were they not wishes worth fighting for?"

8/07/2020 11:41 am  #195

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

@Time who has two eyes? And ty! Lol I understand xD
@Autumn awww ty! I don't think it's super accurate since I did it from memory,,, and those hair buns are tough.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/07/2020 1:25 pm  #196

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Oh nvm

What's diffrent about the eye?

Originally from WoFMB

8/07/2020 11:15 pm  #197

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

@Time it's just... different lol. Like GGaD!Spec's eye. Black sclera and blue iris. I hope that fits in the universe of UR.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/07/2020 11:16 pm  #198

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Sadly, no art was done today but I hope to do at least something during the recess intomorrow's class.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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8/07/2020 11:24 pm  #199

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Oh that's the blackΒ sclera thing

I changed Time's eye as well so yeah


Last edited by Time (8/08/2020 12:43 am)

Originally from WoFMB

8/07/2020 11:57 pm  #200

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Those are really cool but black in coloring is a hard thing to use hehe for me Ig at least.
Blue and black in an eye doesn't look as epic as some other combinations imo (orange and black, purple and black) but I still like ir a lot.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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