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10/12/2020 6:01 pm  #2576

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Been online almost all day long up to now andΒ 
It's strangely silent/inactive todayΒ in the boardhosts and wikia I'm in?

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>

10/12/2020 7:29 pm  #2577

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

It's strange too that my house is very silent today.
Everyone is off diong his or her own thing so
I'm kinda bored since I don't have stuff to do (Not counting hw -_-) and xD

But like yeah.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/12/2020 7:31 pm  #2578

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

We're out of fruit .

Yesterday I diced an apple and put it to boil with cinnamon and lemon :D it tasted really good with yogurt and nuts!
Cinnamon-boiled apple (with sugar) is yhe base od the filling for apple pie, so you can guess it was really good.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/12/2020 8:59 pm  #2579

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I love pork dumplings so much

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/12/2020 9:41 pm  #2580

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I get songs stuck in my head daily B)

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/12/2020 11:40 pm  #2581

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

That apple sounds good, very tasty, I would love to try it

Originally from WoFMB

10/13/2020 9:56 am  #2582

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

It is! If I post my recipe for apple pie someday, you should at least try out the filling :D it's GOOD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 9:58 am  #2583

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I still need to begin watching The Promised Neverland haha every time the opening gets in my playlist I remember I peomised my cousin I would B)
Then again my brother wants to begin watching Kimetsu no Yaiba already xD and I want to finish Violet Evergarden.

I'm not an otaku I swear

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 9:58 am  #2584

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Did the background of the forum get erased or something? It's showing up as white, and I can't see my pfp.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 10:01 am  #2585

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I really like the OP  tbh
Here's a cover in English xD though imo the Japanese one sounds louder and is more pleasant to me

The lyrics are awesome, not only the music :D
I also like loud music Ig xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 12:24 pm  #2586

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Yeah time to change pfp ig
It's not loading and neither is the background

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 12:29 pm  #2587

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

They loaded now
Weird issue.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 1:18 pm  #2588

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Shoutout to my brother for being the source of most of Sketchober's prompts so far :D

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 1:25 pm  #2589

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

My brother chomped on an effervescent tablet despite my warnings
I'll just

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 1:26 pm  #2590

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I say I'm a kinda mature teen but then again I play the Nyan Cat Fly game on DollDivine between classes
My highscore is 1,154 nyans atm :D gotta BEAT IT

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 1:37 pm  #2591

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Am I the only person who is sad that Flash Player will no longer be available next year?
Mostly for the RinmaruGames and Azaleas Dolls dollmakers :')

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 4:51 pm  #2592

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Peru is going against Brazil in today's match later and I'm here like EXCITED NERVOUSNESS
Brazil has like, one of the best if not THE best team in South America. They're like the soccer gods of this continent.
Well, here's to hoping the Peru dudes stay concentrated! :D

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 5:42 pm  #2593

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Scaring myself by reading about Gaster uwu

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 5:46 pm  #2594

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Why does the lore of a game unsettle/scare me? I guess I'll never know for sure
I like it tho xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 10:53 pm  #2595

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Peru is going against Brazil in today's match later and I'm here like EXCITED NERVOUSNESS
Brazil has like, one of the best if not THE best team in South America. They're like the soccer gods of this continent.
Well, here's to hoping the Peru dudes stay concentrated! :D

The match was...

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 10:54 pm  #2596

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭


Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 10:55 pm  #2597

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I mean like, okay, I know Peru is a very average team, but THAT DOESN'T JUSTIFY THAT THE WHOLE MATCH WAS BIASED FOR BRAZIL

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 10:58 pm  #2598

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I really hate the use of VAR. Or more like the misuse of it.
I mean
I know it is a new improvement. I just really hate how the referees take advantage of it to do what they please. Like, they will announce a fault where there is none--okay, I get that they can do mistakes at times and it has happened before, but now with this new tech???? They could go check! Or at least ask!!! But nooooo, they rely on themselves.
And the opposite too. They spend like fiv minutes of VALUABLE time consulting with VAR to see if there is a fault where there clearly is one.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 11:02 pm  #2599

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I'm not an obsessed fanatic of soccer I swear
I'm just mad cause like the referee was really super uber unjust.
The match could've ended in a tie at 2-2 just fine. Peru didn't do badly, and Brazil was good as always.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/13/2020 11:05 pm  #2600

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Also one of our players got kicked out (red card) because of a minor fault that was there, but the other player who was "wronged" retaliated and got away scot-free.
Like, why didn't both players get a yellow card????

And I stopped doing my homework to watch this match?
Alas, I am disappointed. Not in the players (though it was a bit dirty -_- but that's to be expected from South American soccer) but in the referee.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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