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10/09/2020 3:24 pm  #2551

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Alright, let's start with what I said I'd do in those last posts!

So, Ilantra. Right.Β She's... she is really cool imo xD!

I sketched her for Day One of Sketchober, in a pose holding coffee. She does like to drink coffee at 3 A.M. In fact, she doesn't sleep much so it's not a big problem. Except when she's tired. But like, it's not like her mind stops working when she stays up for three days straight. So, of course, she doesn't mind staying up.Β 
Ilantra's an inventor! Or something like that. She isn't really a scientist or mechanic, and actually I really don't know how to describe what she does except for "inventing". I doubt I can even classify what she invents xD.
Anyways, one of her favorite inventions is a thing like an invisibility cloak or something like that. It's a personal thing too B) so she won't share. And she thinks it's interesting to sometimes sneak up on people. But it's not a constant attitude, since she isn't the kind of person who jokes around all the time. Sometimes she does forget to take it off or turn it off and that's funny.
She can make mechanical stuff and machines too. And code and program stuff as well. This works very well withΒ a certain personΒ because of the theme.
Does she classify as a genius or something? Idk tbh. She's kinda young if we're talking about age, so that sort of makes her skills stand out more. But still Idk.

I like her hair lol even though it's not like special or anything. Her clothes are also fun to draw! One of my favorite designs I think. It's also kinda simple tho.Β 
Her main color scheme is dark red-cream-brown. She has shiny black hair and purple eyes. Now, I'm not going to get a lot into her design because that would go in my other art thread but I'm just going to comment a bit.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>

10/09/2020 3:53 pm  #2552

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Got distracted from typing more bc I was reading something but let's continue.

Vida now. I've also drawn her for Sketchober! And I'm using her in a thread uwu.Β 

She's an adorable child and that's why I have her protected. Atm a woman named Eustice is taking on the role of "mother" or protector, but thatΒ mightΒ change soon . Ig it depends on some stuff. But hehe. Anyways, I really really REALLY love Vida. Her design, her way of being, and some other stuff too.
If you're in GGaD then you might have seen some stuff I've said about Forest Spirits. Anyways, if you haven't, that's not a big problem. Lol. Well, Vida's half Forest Spirit! Or at least part. She's a mix or hybrid of sorts, of Forest Spirit and human and... who knows .
She doesn't have biological parents. Or, well, I've been wondering about this? She technically had parents, but like, she wasn't birthed into existence or something like that. So uhhhh Idk if her parents would classify as biological. Idk.
Atm, her forum version has yet to meet Specter's "gang thing", but when she does, I'mma be SUPER happy because! protection!Β 
Her name is nice, since vida means life in Spanish and Idk if I'm using this as a way of symbolism or anything but uh. Yay I suck at symbolism anyways xD. Her character is tied to the life aspect so Ig it's a nice try from my part.

I really love her hair UwU especially the flowers that grow on it! I think it's creative from my part xD and they look cute too. Thanks to Eustice for keeping Vida's hair neat and orderly because lol imagine just how unruly it would be in all its uncared magnificence.Β 
Ah heck I'm talking nonsense xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/09/2020 4:11 pm  #2553

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

And the last, at least for now, is Arlo. He's originally from my 3019 story and (spoilers for the story Ig? maybe not but idk)Β he's the living personification of magic.
Of course he's edited for any universe that isn't the 3019 because of the fact that the 3019 universe can't handle large amounts of magic or powers or stuff like that. And his forum version has that. He's magic dude B).

Well, his design is made to kind of look like a stage magician. Except he doesn't have a top hat xD. But his hat is neat because he can pull stuff from it! Whether he summons it or it's already there... that's a mystery .Β  He can also do parlor tricks :D. And he has a sword :D.
A kinda funny note about his design is that, since he has black hair and his eyes turn purple in certain situations, he's joked to be Ilantra's brother. Mostly he himself jokes about that and Ilantra doesn't enjoy it much but she doesn't always care. Eh.Β 
I remember he was supposed to be German in origin (because the 3019 universe has people from varied countries in the world) but Idk by now since he doesn't look German in appearance. He might be of German descent or something though. Still to be defined. Especially for his forum version.
As for his way of being, he's kinda annoying. He's a bit of an act. And this can go anywhere from his pretending to be very mysterious just because it's cool to completely exaggerating his emotions to being > to annoy others. He is also kinda sassy sometimes and doesn't know when to stop a joke. This doesn't sit well with a certain person in the "gang thing".Β 
But I like him because he's like :D a lot of the time. Can he even get sad? And also, going with his "stage magician" theme, he does have a tendency to act like attention needs to be given to him. Like, being unnecessarily flashy.Β 
Though his design is kinda sober. He mostly wears black and gray. Strangely enough, he wouldn't enjoy dressing up in bright colors like yellow or neon green. I guess his 'flashy' part is in personality, which, by the way, he says is a charming personality.

He's also a teenager lol. Late teens though. Sometimes he acts less mature.Β 

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/09/2020 4:16 pm  #2554

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

And that's three characters from the "needs protection" part of Specter's "gang thing"!
I love my characters xD and y'all probably know that I love talking about them too.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/09/2020 4:29 pm  #2555

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I've never roleplayed Ilantra and Arlo before B) so it's all *taps head* in here!
I wrote a bit for Arlo in the 3019 story though. But he's a bit different there xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/09/2020 5:45 pm  #2556

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Day was nice and sunny in the morning but now outside it looks like it's 7 P.M. o.o

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 10:33 am  #2557

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I wrote a dialogue for French class and my teacher is like "Good vocabulary, but it sounds like two adults speaking. Teens use other kinds of speech; more informal words."
I know I'm not a very formal person in talking but DUDE THIS IS. HOW. I. TALK WITH MY FRIENDS XD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 10:33 am  #2558

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Or not really how I talk with my friends but how I talkΒ toΒ my friends.
Rip lol.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 10:36 am  #2559

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

And I didn't know I was supposed to make it as if I were the one speaking
Anyways at least I know what I should do now lol. It just annoys me a little bit that I can't use the formal vocabulary I know xD but informal speech and the like is also cool.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 10:51 am  #2560

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Teacher gave us half an hour of break instead of the usual 20! B)
So now I'mΒ AGGRESSIVELYΒ lip-syncing to songs xDDDD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 10:51 am  #2561

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Also reading old roleplay threads. It's fun.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 12:40 pm  #2562

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Finally, Teacher graded my reading comprehension test for French!
100/100 YELL HEAH!!!!!!!!

I just submitted my written production test and I hope it's well-redacted :') Personally, I find it easy to write in French BUT I keep forgetting to make verbs and subjects agree in gender. And all the propositions and articles.Β 
Yep yep, the articles. The FREAKING articles xD I always forget if I should useΒ deΒ orΒ dansΒ or some of the others. It's mostly my knowledge of Spanish which throws me off lol.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 12:44 pm  #2563

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

So now for this week I have two assignments for half a grade in oral comprehension. They're obligatory obvs lol.Β 
I think I do pretty well with comprehension :D I have a few problems with written production mostly (bc I keep forgetting the accents too -_-) and I'm fluent/have good pronunciation in speaking even if I can't always make my thoughts make sense xD.
But I can hold conversations just fine. I've been told many times that I keep being too formal in speech (I automatically use the vousΒ kind of talking, which is formal) but it's easier for me that way. Well, I dunno really. I kinda cringe a little if I use the "teenage" style of speaking with my teachers xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 12:45 pm  #2564

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I will never stop being startled out of my skin whenever I submit a graded assessment and the 0/100 grade banner pops up.
I should remember that the teacher still needs to grade it xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 9:54 pm  #2565

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I posted something here and it disappeared rip

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 10:08 pm  #2566

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Half-scared myself by watching a video of a review ofΒ Coraline,Β but it was worthy because my curiosity is now almost compeltely satisfied.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 10:28 pm  #2567

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

There's a certain remix of "Katyusha" (which I love btw) and whenever I listen to it I flashback to that one time I won two times in a row while playing Arsenal B)
I was looping that song very loudly in my headphones LOL

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 11:33 pm  #2568

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Youtuber: Now, pianists, try playingΒ thisΒ on your piano.
Me: Hmm how hard can it be?
Me after watching a bit more: ...oh.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 11:34 pm  #2569

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I can play guitar melody and some fingerpicking (I almost typed pingerficking xD) on piano, but now that bass slap is another story.
I'm not THAT experienced in piano.
Bet my brother would be able to do it a bit better than I, though. He's talented whereas I only have practice and love.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/10/2020 11:49 pm  #2570

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I just noticed that Marasy8 has an Astolfo figure on their(?) piano and I'm like UWU

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/11/2020 11:30 pm  #2571

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I have two songs on loop in my brain -_- and they're just mixing up and they make no sense
"Rasputin" and "aLIEz"
HOW does one get BOTH of THOSE songs in mixed loop???

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/12/2020 1:28 am  #2572

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Me: *clicks on AMV*
AMV: *shows death of my favorite character as first scene*
Me: ...

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/12/2020 9:57 am  #2573

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Imo it's funny and slightly tragic that whenever I'm online and go to sleep early/earlier than planned, I end up missing something xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/12/2020 12:27 pm  #2574

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/12/2020 12:27 pm  #2575

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

"Dear math, stop trying to find your x. He's not coming back. Grow up and solve your own problem."

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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