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10/07/2020 3:17 pm  #2526

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>

10/07/2020 3:17 pm  #2527

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/07/2020 3:19 pm  #2528

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/07/2020 3:21 pm  #2529

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/07/2020 4:41 pm  #2530

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I finished my classes early today B) had time to look for new IQs
So it looks like I'll have time to do something creative this afternoon!

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 3:49 am  #2531

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I did my creative stuff :3

Aaaaaanyways for now! I go sleep.
Tomorrow,,, or today morning,,, more class xD
The fact that I will not have breaks from school during two years st least makes me :') but then I remember I can pretty much pause classes and do my own schedule in any way I want xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 3:51 am  #2532

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I need to change my pfp here too hmmm for Spooktober
Let's see what I come up with.

For now I'm just planning to nyoom through tomorrow's classes and do forms Ig

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 3:51 am  #2533

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I caught up with my 3rd quarter homework too :D
It was only a week's work of hw tho.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 1:08 pm  #2534

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

These last days (not counting yesterday lol) have been nice and sunny!
The sky has been clearing up little by little. I really missed seeing the blue sky!
There's still a whole lotta clouds, but they're becoming smaller and puffier :D
It's kinda cold even if sunny tho lol

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 5:23 pm  #2535

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I was just kinda thinking today about Irisviel and Kiritsugu :')

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 5:25 pm  #2536

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I always wondered if/have thought that there is some sort of symbolism in Irisviel wearing white clothes while Kiritsugu kept wearing black.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 5:26 pm  #2537

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I mean ofc it could just be character design but like
the characters' essence and backstory would fit nicely with the symbolism of purity and pure desires.

Too bad pure desires rarely go far in theΒ FateΒ series :')

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 5:33 pm  #2538

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 5:34 pm  #2539

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I played something which sounded similar to "Sora wa Takaku Kaze wa Utau" earlier today and now I want to learn it
More like figure it out because xD I don't really have a way to reference a piano tutorial.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 5:37 pm  #2540

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Look at little Sakura in the left side there <3

Waver's drinking juice xD he a child xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 5:39 pm  #2541

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

MaybeΒ Fate/ZeroΒ doesn't have the best art style xD but I really like the story.
The noses bother me slightly since they're often drawn incomplete but it's just a part of the style.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 5:39 pm  #2542

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

In general, though, theΒ FateΒ series and franchise in general has really good and varied character design.
Not counting the Saberface trend ofc. And uh the revealing outfits some characters have. But still, they're pretty varied and I am forever in awe.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 7:57 pm  #2543

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Currently excited because the score for the soccer match Peru's playing rn is 0-1 in our team's favor :D
Then again the rival (Paraguay) is a fairly easy one. The real challenge will bethe next one, which is against Brazil.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 7:58 pm  #2544

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I say fairly easy and by that I mean not hard.Β 
Tbh our team is not the best xD and South American soccer in general is VERY intense.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 7:59 pm  #2545

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Aw man it's 1-1 now Hoping the referee will check the VAR and null it >:3
Anyways! I hope the team can score more goals!

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/08/2020 10:35 pm  #2546

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

Tie 2-2 :D not a bad result but could've been better!

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/09/2020 1:11 pm  #2547

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I feel an urge to talk about OCs that aren't GGaD
I mean give too much information that might as well be spoilers because HA God knows I can't keep ideas to myself.
I don't have a place really to share these thoughts since if they aren't GGaD then I can't share in on the Boardhost there :'3

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/09/2020 1:13 pm  #2548

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

For now, Specter's "gang thing" is very interesting to me
I'm focusing a lot of attention on a part which might as well be described by saying that the people there are protected from "stuff".

Lookie, I, who sucks at plot, am accidentally introducing plot into their forum OCs!

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/09/2020 1:16 pm  #2549

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

The "stuff" varies but they're pretty much all in some kind of trouble and Specter's like "sure I'll protect you"
I'd say that most of them didn't look/ask for the trouble in the first place

If I have time to type more today then I want to focus on:
- Ilantra
- Vida
- Arlo

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/09/2020 1:18 pm  #2550

Re: 🍭 The Candy Graveyard πŸ‘» Specter's Homethread 🍭

I also, weirdly, have a strong desire to put them in GGaD (especially Vida and Ilantra) but that means making more forms, thinking about plot, worrying about their relationships, keeping them somewhat safe,Β and I am too lazy to do those things
At least for the moment. Lol.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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