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11/21/2020 12:22 am  #626

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I think I made it weird with the panels idk
Alessia looks like a villain or too mysterious or something. I shall pin the blame for this on my noobness at comic-making. I just dunno how to pick angles lol.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>

11/23/2020 5:05 pm  #627

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I hate it that the day I have lots of time to draw, my skill is gone xD
I've tried lol.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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11/28/2020 7:57 pm  #628

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I thank OnS because I now have a mental reference on how to draw wings lol
I've actually been working on a drawing of an angel and today while returning to work on it I couldn't help but think of the manga

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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11/28/2020 8:00 pm  #629

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

By the way I'mma see if I can upload more drawings here soon lol
I've a few I wanna show but I'm lazy xD and most of what I draw is GGaD anyways

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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11/28/2020 8:00 pm  #630

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Ooh yeah and I was almost done with Sketchober so I'll get to work on that!!!

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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12/01/2020 9:55 pm  #631

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Any tips for breaking artist's block?

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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12/01/2020 11:01 pm  #632

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Uhhhh random art generators? idk : /

Originally from WoFMB

12/07/2020 6:36 pm  #633

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I got a new sketchbook for my pencils :D
It takes too much graphite out of then though lol even a HB pencil smudges easily and I don't want to think what it'll do with the 2B XD. I've yet to try a 2H pencil but I think it'll be optimal.

Now if I only could draw lolΒ 
Thank you art block.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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12/07/2020 9:57 pm  #634

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Any tips for breaking artist's block?

I don't know how helpful this will be but whenever I'm feeling an artist block I either wait it out or draw/doodle small, simple (yet fun to draw) things, like flowers or random shape patterns
Of course it might not work for you

Also :D new sketchbook, that's always excitingΒ 

Autumn (Librarian)
she / her | kinda a nerd
hello :D hope you're having a good day

"The true sky, and songs that cageless soar
Were they not wishes worth fighting for?"

12/28/2020 3:19 pm  #635

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Late reply lol but
Thanks for the tip, Autumn! I've heard that doing "warm-up" doodles helps to, well, warm up
I'll see if I can do that when continue doing art lol

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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12/28/2020 3:20 pm  #636

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Here's a W.I.P. piece :eyes:
I made the eyes too far apart but now that I've begun to color it it's too late to fix anything xD
Also it's got a transparent background haha
The eyes are blank because I fill them in while coloring and that's not yet done
Anyways I kinda liked the lineart so xD behold.

I may post it here when finished, though I originally meant to post it on the GGaD wiki.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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12/28/2020 3:22 pm  #637

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

The sleeves are like that on purpose too lol

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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12/28/2020 7:09 pm  #638

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Pretty epic I must say. I like the hair

The eyes don't look far apart at all, they actually look pretty normal for your style

Originally from WoFMB

12/28/2020 10:07 pm  #639

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Thanks! I like her hair a lot too (she has so much hair lol)
"For my style" xD I'll take that as a compliment lol thanks

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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12/29/2020 3:45 pm  #640

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Oh my bad. I was just saying that it looks fine, it doesn't look to wide apart at all.

Originally from WoFMB

12/29/2020 6:35 pm  #641

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Yeah I got that! I was just joking around xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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1/04/2021 2:20 am  #642

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Looked through really old drawings today
I mean like really old xD some of them are a little bit over a decade old.

I have to say, some of them are actually pretty nice! Though imo my "best" works have been just from a year or two ago. A couple past pieces are decent though xD considering skill level and that stuff.

I also choked many times because I've seen several drawings that I considered "really good" and "beautiful" when I drew them but now,,, uhhhhhh

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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1/10/2021 1:42 am  #643

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I think doodling/sketching with white on a dark background looks just,,, really really cool :D

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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1/26/2021 4:35 pm  #644

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

My latest attempts to make my art better have been just my looking at pieces of more advanced digital art and trying to absorb the techniques.
I must become Sponge.Β 
I must learn.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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1/28/2021 2:30 pm  #645

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Checking back through old drawings again and I can see that I used to draw just the tip of the noses.
Idk from where I began drawing longer noses? It's not that it looks bad, but it's harder to get them just in the right place in one try xD
And now I have trouble drawing simple nose tips, which just happens to be what I'm trying to do lately.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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1/28/2021 2:35 pm  #646

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

This might sound kinda dumb but lately I've been trying hard to somehow improve my art skills.
Most of it is by observation. I'm looking at my past pieces and trying to keep things I like, or see areas in which I have improved and others I still need to keep working on. I need to say that I feel I really have improved since two years ago :D but I still need to continue growing in that area.
Another thing I'm tryina do is to see other artists' drawings, especially in digital. I want to make my coloring better, and I thought that understanding color a bit more will definitely help me.
Now that's kinda the reason why I've become more aware of color hues and changes irl xD
But there's been progress there too. For example, I'm trying to put to use the concept of shading skin with more colors than just a darkened version of the base. It looks more realistic and soft that way, and a bit more complex than just a simple shading. But it's hard XD
IΒ thinkΒ that by now I understand basic shading enough for me to continue looking into other techniques, yep!

So yes those have been my thoughts this year xD
I didn't really make a new year's resolution relating to art (I didn't make one at all lol xD) but I have been working on that this month, and I plan to continue with my efforts. So it might as well be a goal this year.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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1/28/2021 4:26 pm  #647

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Ohp, nope, that's not dumb, I'm always doing that!

Originally from WoFMB

2/02/2021 5:24 pm  #648

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Glad to know I'm not the only one who does that tbh.
I think it's paying off. I've been pretty satisfied with my recent art pieces.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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2/02/2021 5:25 pm  #649

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Too many good ideas to draw, not enough time...
To be honest, I don't even know how many W.I.P.s I have in my folder.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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2/07/2021 11:46 pm  #650

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Silly orchids,,, they're pretty, but why are they so hard to even just sketch?

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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