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10/19/2020 8:41 pm  #576

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

SpecterTheGreat wrote:


The deadline for the submissions is this Friday. The contest is hosted by the same store too xD and honestly I'm pretty excited to see what others' art pieces will be.Β 
To be honest, I'm not really expecting to win anything. I'm just participating becauseΒ love of art.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>

10/19/2020 8:54 pm  #577

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

ngl I've gotten lots of opportunities to join art contest but declined them all lol

so what you thinking of drawing?

Originally from WoFMB

10/20/2020 10:59 am  #578

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Oh oof xD
Idk I just jump at the opportunity to do art for some reason. It's like, such a large part of my life and being...

I haven't decided completely yet (and the deadline approaches @w@) but probably something related to doctors and nurses. There are other possibilities I've considered, but that one is the first that comes to mind.
My biggest problem here is that I want to include symbolism and I am not good at it :')

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/20/2020 11:05 am  #579

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

At this point I am so obsessed with Medibang Paint thaat my W.I.P. files section is mercilessly increasing.
I'm drawing every night xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/20/2020 11:06 am  #580

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

It works nicely on my usual account!!! So I don't have to wait till the weekends to be able to work :D
Except that I can like, only draw at night until midnight. Well, something is something!

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/20/2020 11:09 am  #581

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

At the moment I have finished ONE single piece. The rest are all in w.i.p. stage xD.
I'm really glad because now I'll be able to figure out my skills with the tablet once I get the hang of the program.

I can't download new brushes for some reason tho :') but with the defaults I'm just fine so far.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/20/2020 11:11 am  #582

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Also did I mention I love the fact that there's like almost no lag?
I mean, the program freezes as a whole every time I try to save, but my strokes are clear as it rarely lags while doing lines. So that means faster sketching! And more productivity!

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/20/2020 11:13 am  #583

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I'm up to date with Sketchober atm but I'm too lazy to take the work of uploading.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/20/2020 12:25 pm  #584

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Oh my gosh I am INFATUATED with the clipping layers option <3<3<3

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/20/2020 12:59 pm  #585

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I think it's really funny how there are "draw your friends' OCs in your style!" challenges and then me here who constantly draws my friends' OCs

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/22/2020 12:45 pm  #586

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Digital art has claimed my soul.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/22/2020 8:24 pm  #587

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Today's digital class (in honor of art week) was about gothic calligraphy and we also got to see how to draw peonies :D
Okay but like gothic calligraphy is really cool???? Not completely my style but it does look like super cool.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/23/2020 12:13 am  #588

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I'm nearly done with the sketch for my contest submisdion
and I've inspired myself to the point of tears.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
     Thread Starter

10/23/2020 12:14 am  #589

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I don't know if the drawing conveys what I want it to convey, but I have the idea very clear in my mind and my heart feels all the feelings.
I might share the sketch later.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/23/2020 12:16 am  #590

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Masks are very fun to draw! It's one of my first times doing it tho.

My Uber Eats bike driver looks like some kind of superhero xD but that's fine, since that's kinda the theme.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/23/2020 12:17 am  #591

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

And I can't draw policemen it seems xD because this one looks like a robot o.o
But I love my cashier and my student and my Christian. The doctor looks okay but I have to draw her hands still.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/23/2020 12:18 am  #592

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Tbh the Christian looks like a mourning lady
Ig it can stand for that too.

Atm the last challenges are the doctor's hands and the world.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/23/2020 12:35 am  #593

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Challenges completed. I shall proceed to lineart.

The title of this, I've decided, is "Todos Somos HΓ©roes". I like it. And it fits the theme.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/23/2020 1:41 am  #594

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I've been steadyly losing my confidence in the drawing as I lineart it, but... it's decent. Considering I drew it in only two hours and it has many people.

R.I.P. the delivery dude's proportions. His helmet messed it all up.
Also I think I fixed the policeman a little but I still feel bad that he represents the police force. I... can't draw policemen xD.

I'm not gonna sleep until I finish the basic lineart at least.

Also my .1 Micron is drying up oh noooo

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/23/2020 1:42 am  #595

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

But in drawings like this one, the intention is what counts.

I just hope to not scare the judges when they see it xD

I'm a TINY bit confident that the coloring will make it look better. I sure hope so.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/23/2020 1:44 am  #596

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

This is the original sketch for the drawing
Idk if the pic is in good quality tho

Anyways, if you can see it
Going clockwise from the bottom left:  policeman, cashier, praying/mourning girl, delivery man, and a student. A doctor is in the center and the world is before her.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/23/2020 1:47 am  #597

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I can't take delivery man seriously because when I was looking up a reference for a certain uniform a picture of Seiya as a delivery man popped up XDDDD
Gonna go continue now.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/23/2020 1:58 am  #598

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I kinda tried to make them all look Peruvian, and well... they kinda do except for the student.
She has freckles. Not that it's atypical, but it looks kinda weird.

In the end I think I just drew them in my style :')

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/23/2020 2:04 am  #599

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

The student looks really cuuuuute xD
But her left eye is off -_- whyyyyyy

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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10/23/2020 2:08 am  #600

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

But I'm especially proud of how the cashier looks. I think I also copied the uniform correctly! The store logo is a bit too small, but eh xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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