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9/19/2020 9:16 pm  #451

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Ok ok so I was using a base and I had to change the head shape because it looked too adult for what I'm trying to do but the head I drew instead looks so out of proportion with the rest of the body xDDD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>

9/19/2020 9:18 pm  #452

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

The change from a good adult man outline in the base to...Β thisΒ is just xDDD
No offense to the character I'm drawing but uh. xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 9:29 pm  #453

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

My family asking why I don't like to show my drawings while I'm in the sketch partΒ 
and my drawings while being sketched here like

you see now

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 9:47 pm  #454

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I finished the sketch part for my character
I don't think it looks super bad

now,,, the other part xD I fear. Not only the height difference but like the physique. I don't eve know if I'm doing this correctly but ah well the intention is there.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 9:52 pm  #455

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I'm going to cry xD I can't do faces, both of these look insane and I'm actually trying to make them look at least a bit normal asdkjsfhkfsa

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 9:58 pm  #456

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes


Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:02 pm  #457

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Okay I kinda got the face under control but that grin looks way too chill.
Uhhhh I'll fix it later. Now comes the true challenge,,,,

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:06 pm  #458

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

My brother says the posing here looks like that for a magazine advertisement

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:07 pm  #459

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Okay maybe my problems with the faces here are because I tried to make the eye shape different than what I generally do.
Well my dad told me to make the eyes more realistic so ehhhh I'm tryina do that???? Ig???

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:13 pm  #460

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I might be getting a bit carried away with all the flowy hair lines hehe
I have no idea of how to really do it since I have like,,,, two,,, references???

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:15 pm  #461

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Let's see what are the effects of looping "Outer Science" while drawing lol

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:17 pm  #462

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Half-improvisation time for clothes again ig XD
The good thing is that once I finish drafting the clothes I can go back to fix vague mistakes and then the draft'll be done!!!

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:20 pm  #463

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I'mma post the drafty draft here when I finish it because Idk when or if I'm going to do the lineart.
Or if I do it, I will not post it here soooo

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:24 pm  #464

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I drew the clothes but now the program froze while saving and I'm here crossing my fingers that it won't shutdown

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:26 pm  #465

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

And of course when I open again the clothes are gone and it looks like a dressup game lol

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:28 pm  #466

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

My tablet's pressure sensor is gone

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:35 pm  #467

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I used the available reference for the top part of the clothes.
The real trouble comes with the remaining part.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:36 pm  #468

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes


Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:37 pm  #469

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

And the pressure sensor finally loaded!! Yay! :D

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:38 pm  #470

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Ok I finished. Hang on while I upload it.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 10:41 pm  #471

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Sketch version btw

They're GGaD characters, so you might not know them. And even if you're in GGaD you might still not know them? Idk.
Anyways yeah. I used a base and idk. The one on the right belongs to Galaxian.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/20/2020 12:18 am  #472

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

*groovy dancing*

GGaD gang GGaD gang

(join ggad part 2, Β to understand who the characters are)

Originally from WoFMB

9/20/2020 2:44 am  #473

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I accidentally sent my canvas height to 10000 instead of 1000 and it shut the program down rip

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/20/2020 3:05 am  #474

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I'm here extremely tired (because I woke up at like seven ok) and feeling half-insane because I'm burning with determination and motivation to finish this long-procrastinated digital drawing BUT it's 2 A.M. already

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/20/2020 3:07 am  #475

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Ok but I like REALLY REALLY REALLY want to finish this today.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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