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9/10/2020 4:30 pm  #426

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Help my mind recieved a spark of inspiration and I now want to redraw like three things/characters asdkfjhdlskjadhjkdsajkadsf
I need to finish my Health test first and do homework though adfhkfjhsdkd

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>

9/10/2020 7:41 pm  #427

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

YO I HAVE SOME FREE TIME now to decide what to draw lol

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/10/2020 8:08 pm  #428

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/11/2020 2:32 pm  #429

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Yellow and pink is a very nice combination

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/11/2020 7:58 pm  #430

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

SpecterTheGreat wrote:


but also yes :eyes: certain shades of yellow and pink go very nicely together

Autumn (Librarian)
she / her | kinda a nerd
hello :D hope you're having a good day

"The true sky, and songs that cageless soar
Were they not wishes worth fighting for?"

9/12/2020 6:14 pm  #431

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I am suffering because I have this really cool picture in my head but I've tried four times already and I can't even do a simple head proportion.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/12/2020 10:14 pm  #432

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I feel that

Originally from WoFMB

9/13/2020 4:21 am  #433

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

I am suffering because I have this really cool picture in my head but I've tried four times already and I can't even do a simple head proportion.

uggghh i hate hate hate when that happensΒ 

✿✿ he/they ✿✿ 
it's always spooky season
"i can't see anybody, loving me the you do...darling i'm in love"
italian sandwich energy


9/15/2020 12:42 am  #434

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

(Note: large file)

Bonus sketch content for those who aren't on GGaD boardhost.

Just some OCs and a chibi base as reference.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/15/2020 5:00 pm  #435

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Imagine not being appart of GGaD and not knowing any of these guys. CRINGE

(Also join ggad)

Originally from WoFMB

9/15/2020 7:20 pm  #436

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Lowkey promoting GGaD here xD
I mean technically the two boardhosts partner, soooo...

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/15/2020 7:32 pm  #437

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

After looking at some art from a few months earlier I have decided to redraw and I wonder how many tries it will take me to make something which is worthy of adding to a gallery to replace another pic

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/15/2020 7:33 pm  #438

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Okay but the thing is that even though I like drawing other people's characters, I don't really know if they like it xD or if it is what they had in mind.
I should make more art for my own pages on wikia anyways.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/15/2020 7:34 pm  #439

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I still haven't been able to produce the masterpieces pictured in my mind lol
I think I might be too ambitious for once.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/15/2020 7:35 pm  #440

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Ah yes so a few hours ago I was quickly going through my art drawer and I do fondly remember the months in which I dares draw group pictures of four characters or more.
And I actually did it well.

Now, now, where did my skills to pose characters go?

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/15/2020 7:36 pm  #441

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

*slaps self*
I need to work on my comic again too. I know what I want to put in the next panels but let's see if I can muster the motivation to work on it for like three hours or more straight.
The thing is, I don't like to work my drawings in shifts. I like to start and finish it in one sitting. Probably a bad habit, but hey, what can I do. Otherwise I lose motivation and forget about it,

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/15/2020 7:37 pm  #442

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I should name my comic too. It deserves a cool 'n good name, which, sadly, I am unable to give it.

I am also half-considering starting another comic with a fantasy setting too because it comes more easily to me than actually writing. Probably a bad idea though since I wouldn't be able to show it to many people and with the quantity of work I put into comic pages... yeah xD

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/15/2020 7:38 pm  #443

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

I'm totally not making myself nervous by reminding my mind of the fact that there's like ten or more people irl (including adults) who want to see the next pages of my ongoing comic

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/15/2020 7:42 pm  #444

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Alright so.
First, I'm going to memorize character descriptions to see if I can make good memory drawings once I get off the internet. If everything works out, I should have the replacements for the old gallery pics.
Then I'm going to finish coloring that W.I.P. thing I left from last week.
Then I'm going to,,, actually I need to make dinner xD.

But rn I want to edit pages too so creativity projects will get scheduled for later.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/17/2020 1:11 am  #445

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Gonna complain about how when I try to draw a slightly chubby character for once they turn out too thin.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/17/2020 1:14 am  #446

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

If I fix the way the lineart made her face weirdly shaped then perhaps I can post it somewhere after coloring.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/18/2020 3:37 pm  #447

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Yooooo I got hit by inspiration I think and hopefully these two designs that just popped into my mind are original
I really hope they're original.
Let's see if I can perhaps post them when I draw them.

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 5:58 pm  #448

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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9/19/2020 7:59 pm  #449

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

verry true dude

can relate

Originally from WoFMB

9/19/2020 9:10 pm  #450

Re: Specter's Stash of Sketchy Schemes

Such an artist mood, indeed.

On another note, I began a drawing and the first thing I'm doing is laugh at the rough outline because of height difference

Specter | <<#CCsurvivor>>
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