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5/16/2020 5:18 pm  #101

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

Chris stopped too. "New developments with our... 'friends'?"

Call me Marshall. Or Hungry, as that usually describes me.

"Chaos is only an enemy if you're unable to adapt"
-Шухрат Кессикбаев

Dealer of cursed artifacts

Chaotic Neutral energy

T̢h̛e v͝͝oi͜d̷̛ í̶s͘͜͞ ͢͠l̀͞o̵v͝ȩl̛y̸̢,̕͢ ̢̀h͡ǫ҉ṕ̶ ̵͟͏o̧n ҉̛i҉n̷̡

5/16/2020 5:32 pm  #102

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

Jack is going to pretend that Ivy has been with the group this whole time. At Chris's comment, the girl let out a huff. "I was hoping we'd seen the last of them," she muttered.

[ JACK ]
she/her | aquarius | frog lover

5/16/2020 5:44 pm  #103

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"Yeah," Tessa agreed as she took a piece of bread. "But, I doubt we haven't."

kat !
any prns

5/16/2020 7:47 pm  #104

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"Speaking from experience, powerful people you piss off usually don't leave you alone. What a shocker." Mackenzie popped a shrimp into her mouth.

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5/16/2020 7:59 pm  #105

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"I mean, that makes sense if we saw our... "friends" again," Riven mumbled softly as he took a piece of bread. "Considering what we did..."

she/they | writer | cat lover | chaotic tired
abyss and revenant
"Just a little time... just a little something else instead..."

5/17/2020 12:15 am  #106

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

Gulp. "Yeah. But, I mean, it'll be okay. Not sure about you guys, but this isn't too unusual for me."

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5/17/2020 1:49 am  #107

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"Is this a normal occurrence for you?" Breach tilted his head to Mackenzie.

Originally from WoFMB

5/17/2020 10:39 am  #108

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"Oh, you know." Mackenzie momentarily grinned.

Last edited by necro (5/17/2020 10:39 am)

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5/17/2020 12:50 pm  #109

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"No. I do not know."

Last edited by Time (5/17/2020 12:50 pm)

Originally from WoFMB

5/17/2020 2:46 pm  #110

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

Mackenzie rolled her eyes. "Okay, yeah, this is kind of a normal occurrence to me. Not really normal, but it's happened before."

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5/17/2020 7:17 pm  #111

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"Interaction with a terrorist organization is something you've done before?"

Originally from WoFMB

5/18/2020 9:18 am  #112

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

Mackenzie nodded slowly at Breach, as if she thought he needed a minute to understand.

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5/18/2020 12:45 pm  #113

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"What exactly happened between you and the organization, then?"

Last edited by Time (5/18/2020 12:45 pm)

Originally from WoFMB

5/18/2020 2:12 pm  #114

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

Mackenzie shrugged. "I'd rather not tell."

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5/18/2020 3:17 pm  #115

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"Are you like, some kind of secret agent?", Chris asked. "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone"

Call me Marshall. Or Hungry, as that usually describes me.

"Chaos is only an enemy if you're unable to adapt"
-Шухрат Кессикбаев

Dealer of cursed artifacts

Chaotic Neutral energy

T̢h̛e v͝͝oi͜d̷̛ í̶s͘͜͞ ͢͠l̀͞o̵v͝ȩl̛y̸̢,̕͢ ̢̀h͡ǫ҉ṕ̶ ̵͟͏o̧n ҉̛i҉n̷̡

5/18/2020 8:37 pm  #116

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"Oh, yeah, like that's reassuring." Mackenzie rolled her eyes. "I trust you so much."

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5/18/2020 9:43 pm  #117

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"I mean, I guess that's fair", said Chris, looking slightly disappointed. Turning to Riven he loudly whispered, "But she didn't say that she wasn't a secret agent"

Last edited by HungryCat1 (5/18/2020 9:44 pm)

Call me Marshall. Or Hungry, as that usually describes me.

"Chaos is only an enemy if you're unable to adapt"
-Шухрат Кессикбаев

Dealer of cursed artifacts

Chaotic Neutral energy

T̢h̛e v͝͝oi͜d̷̛ í̶s͘͜͞ ͢͠l̀͞o̵v͝ȩl̛y̸̢,̕͢ ̢̀h͡ǫ҉ṕ̶ ̵͟͏o̧n ҉̛i҉n̷̡

5/18/2020 11:57 pm  #118

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

Tessa grinned at Chris's comment and turned to Mackenzie. "Well, I think we all trust you, regardless of whether you're a secret agent or not."

kat !
any prns

5/19/2020 7:06 am  #119

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

Riven chuckled at Chris's whisper. He then nodded in agreement with Tessa's comment. "Yeah. We do trust you."

she/they | writer | cat lover | chaotic tired
abyss and revenant
"Just a little time... just a little something else instead..."

5/19/2020 10:37 am  #120

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"I really don't think you'd trust me so much if I told you what I am." She paused. "Or well, more like was. I've been trying... not to do that. Been working out for me pretty well."

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5/20/2020 10:17 am  #121

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"Oh, so you had some sort of nasty past where you did nasty things, huh?" Breach asked Mackenzie.

Originally from WoFMB

5/20/2020 10:40 am  #122

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"If you wanna call it that." Mackenzie nodded. "Didn't want to. Had to."

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5/20/2020 11:29 am  #123

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"Really? Forced to? Must've been... interesting."

Originally from WoFMB

5/20/2020 12:46 pm  #124

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

Mackenzie nodded with an "mhm". "Not related to the... 'nasty things', but one time I ate a bug."

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5/20/2020 4:07 pm  #125

Re: (NSGP) It's the May 15th banquet and dance at city hall!

"What kind of bug?", Chris asked, intrigued.

Call me Marshall. Or Hungry, as that usually describes me.

"Chaos is only an enemy if you're unable to adapt"
-Шухрат Кессикбаев

Dealer of cursed artifacts

Chaotic Neutral energy

T̢h̛e v͝͝oi͜d̷̛ í̶s͘͜͞ ͢͠l̀͞o̵v͝ȩl̛y̸̢,̕͢ ̢̀h͡ǫ҉ṕ̶ ̵͟͏o̧n ҉̛i҉n̷̡

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